Governor Northam Announces Support for Tolling I-81

Governor Northam announced at a press conference yesterday that he supports the plan to impose tolls on I-81 to fund $2.2 billion in improvements along the corridor. The legislation will be patroned by Senators Mark Obenshain (R-Rockingham County) and Bill Carrico (R-Grayson County) and Delegates Steve Landes (R-Augusta County) and Terry Austin (R-Botetourt County). Click here to read the Governor’s press release.
The press conference was short on details and the legislation is not yet available to determine exactly what it does. It is clear that the bill would include an annual pass to allow automobiles and light trucks (2-axle vehicles) unlimited use of I-81 for a yearly fixed fee of $30. Also, while the Commonwealth Transportation Board’s final report on the I-81 Improvement Plan proposed a toll rate of 15 cents per mile on trucks during daytime hours, it was announced at the press conference that the rate in the legislation would be 17 cents per mile. You can read the Interstate 81 Corridor Improvement Plan at
We will provide details of what's included in the legislation as soon as it becomes available. In the meantime, please send any questions or comments to Dale Bennett at