Construction Law

Commercial and residential construction defect lawsuits typically involve a breach of contract and involve many parties, including the property owner, general contractor, subcontractors, architect, and other professionals. Typically, physical loss or damage is claimed to be related to defects requiring repair or replacement. Along with breach of contract, warranty issues are raised, along with claims of negligence and strict liability. In the complex web of contracting between owner, general contractors and subcontractors, indemnification obligations among the parties are often implicated, leading to complex procedural, insurance, and defense concerns. State and local building codes are often front and center, as are permitting and zoning issues.

The attorneys at Setliff Law represent any party that might find itself in a construction dispute. Whether a residential matter alleging poor workmanship on the part of builders, or a complex commercial project involving construction delays, our team is ready to handle any litigation in multiple jurisdictions. While we often are directly retained by insurers to represent and defend insureds in the construction industry, we also work directly with clints, vigorously defending and advocating for their interests. Our construction clients include multiple national insurance companies and their insured, national hotel chains, one of America’s largest fitness clubs, and national commercial landlords.

The following are some of our attorneys’ representative engagements:

  • Representation of general contractor involving partial building collapse against breach of contract, negligence, and warranty claims.
  • Representation of subcontractor in large commercial renovation project alleging substantial water damage due to defective and masonry work.
  • Representation of subcontractor in large-scale renovation project involving alleged defective electrical work.