Maritime Law

Maritime law concerns events and transactions that occur on or nearby navigable waters, whether oceans, gulf, or inland waterways. Although initially concerned with maritime commerce, the body of law has expanded to address additional issues, such as environmental remediation after maritime accidents and the wide-spread use of recreational vessels.

Setliff Law attorneys have substantial experience defending criminal, civil, and administrative enforcement actions, insurance disputes, responding to environmental incidents and other casualties, and assisting those subject to government investigations, including but not limited to U.S. Coast Guard enforcement actions. Our comprehensive and in-depth experience ensures an informed and precise response to any maritime matter.

Representative engagements include:

  • Represented plaintiff in arresting vessel in the U.S. District Court in Norfolk, Virginia to obtain lien to enforce Jones Act liability.
  • Represented plaintiff in arresting vessel in the U.S. District Court in Norfolk, Virginia to enforce shipyard maintenance lien.
  • Obtained favorable result defending vessel master in U.S. Coast Guard license revocation proceedings, with appeals from the USCG ALJ thorough the USCG Commandant and finally to the National Transportation Safety Board.

Represented Virginia towing company in action brought by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality for clean up costs incident to a spill of fertilizer at piers on the James River near a loading facility adjacent to the Benjamin Harrison bridge.

Attorneys:  C. Stephen Setliff